Monday, September 22, 2008

Simpon's children recast as Kroger spokepersons

A while back in Texas I spotted an odd-looking series of insurance pamphlets in the Kroger grocery store. What caught my eye was not the breathless promo of the "first 30 days of coverage for only $1!", but the appropriation of what looks for all the world like a grown-up Bart and Lisa Simpson. Note the spiky hair on the elder Bart compared to the larger spikes of the elder Lisa. Setting aside the copyright issues, what is really creepy is that this famous cartoon brother and sister are depicted here as a family unit (Mom, Dad, Son, Dog).

Actually, in addition to the overt implication of incest, their oddly upturned noses are also creepy. What do these incest practitioners have to be so uppity about? To say nothing of the fact that while "Dad/Bart" has his hand on his son's head, "Mom/Lisa" has her hand on the dog. Clearly, she cares more about canine companionship than the obvious love-child of inbreeding. Yikes.


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