Sunday, September 25, 2005

T minus 24 hours

Molly flies into Providence from Dallas around 3:30 pm EST today. Yay! It will be great to have her here. For in a little more than 24 hours, I’ll be sitting across the table from a panel of five professors to defend my thesis. At least this won’t be a three-day affair like the bar exam. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.

Here’s the procedure tomorrow. First, I’ll give a short 20-minute presentation that summarizes my thesis. This is actually more difficult than it sounds because I have to cram in four separate but related chapters (totaling 200+ pages). My talk is open to the public, and anyone can ask questions. After the public inquisition is concluded, everyone else gets kicked out and my private inquisition is conducted. Actually, I think this setup is ideal. Rather than being judged on my written work from afar (like the bar or medical exams), I get the chance to address any challenges face-to-face.

After several rounds of questioning, the panel will send me out and deliberate behind closed doors. No doubt they will not only assail my scientific endeavors but also my personal hygiene, the color coordination in my wardrobe, and my financial earnings potential (ah, if only that last one was a joke). Once they call me back in, one of three things can happen: 1) I’m granted an unconditional pass, 2) I pass but have to complete major and/or minor revisions, or 3) I don’t pass, don’t get to collect $200, and go straight to jail.

Molly’s dad, Patrick McCanta, offered me this sage piece of advice: “Remember that anything you're not sure of is in notes at your hurricane-ravaged apartment.” It’s the ultimate ‘My dog ate my homework’ excuse.


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